WHY is your child struggling?

Where do you find answers?

Making informed decisions about your child’s learning begins with YOUR education. Your child’s future depends on it! Take action NOW!

Does your child get silly, defiant, emotional, or shut down when reading?


If kids could, kids would. Children are NOT lazy! Children with a learning difference need to be taught differently.  They are putting in the hard work, but not getting the reward.  They watch their peers soar past them – some of which aren’t even TRYING to learn to read!  It is no wonder that children feel ashamed, get frustrated, and start to demonstrate behaviours to AVOID THE PAIN of the near-impossible work.


Our children experience reading as a “failure”, and they come up with a subconscious message; a story to explain their struggle.  The message becomes “I’m stupid”, “I’m different”, “I don’t belong”, or “I’m not worthy”.  Kids LIVE that story like it’s the truth, and it impacts all areas of their lives – and it can last a lifetime.


Many children with learning problems take on shame.  Children that experience shame often become socially withdrawn, isolated, reactive, explosive, or depressed. They stop BELIEVING.  They stop DREAMING.


Long-term outcomes for children who experience trouble with reading include high school drop out, minimum wage jobs, addiction, incarceration, depression, and suicide.  The life-long cost of difficulty with reading could not be higher!


Free 30 Min Call

Book your call and let’s start to unpack your child’s learning history and development.  You will describe how your child learns and where they struggle.  I will explain what the brain needs to do to learn to read.  Together, we will make a hypothesis about what is happening in YOUR child’s brain.  This phone call is empowering and informative, and it is designed to provide value.  You will leave the call with answers to your questions, ideas, insight, and new actions to take. Fill in the small consulation Intake and Trent will reach out to you and book your call – it’s that easy!


Want to know your child’s learning profile?  Scores to compare your children to their peers are valuable, but the REAL magic is in the interpretation of the overall learning profile – the interplay of all the different skills needed for reading to come together.  This is what has things finally make sense – parents are always fascinated to see how scores cluster together and a profile of strength and challenge emerges.  Most are pleasantly surprised by the price, too – especially if they have previously completed a Psycho-Educational assessment!

Ready for Speak2Read

Been through the assessment wringer? Hey, we get it!  You can only slog through so many 20-page reports and still get no answers (or results!) If you are already aware of the needs of your child and wish to start treatment, we can accommodate.  It’s not as “clean” – there will be some “assessment on the fly” and adjustment as we move forward.  Our online booking calendar makes it easy and simple to begin your child’s journey to success.  Don’t forget to check your insurance/benefits plan for Speech Pathologist coverage!

Not feeling sure yet? Keep reading below!


I love when my students come to me with a report from a psycho-educational assessment.   Ability scores for cognitive skills like processing speed, working memory, and diagnoses such as ADHD are informative about why a child is having trouble reading.  They can all be important factors, but they don’t tell the whole story!  Reading and writing are LANGUAGE SKILLS and without a comprehensive language assessment, a child’s true learning profile cannot be determined – what is wrong, and WHY?


A student may receive a diagnosis such as Dyslexia or Specific Learning Disability in Reading, but what happens next?  There are still unanswered questions – WHY do they have this disability?  They have average intelligence and cognitive skills, but their achievement does not match their abilities.  Parents are told they are just “born with it” … there are no ANSWERS; just a label!


With the diagnosis of learning disability come recommendations – usually in the realm of accommodations.  Speech-to-text software, text-to-speech software, scribes, extra time on tests, test readers … but none of these address (or solve) the problem!  Kids get stuck with the label – AND the disability.

A BETTER WAY (for a 1/4 of the $$$)

Traditional language assessments of “receptive” and “expressive” language don’t work to identify the language problems that show up in literacy.  New research describes the language system as 2 separate levels of processing: sound/word, and sentence/discourse levels of processing.  We must assess both levels of language.  Over 90% of I see that have a diagnosis of Specific Learning Disability demonstrate below average scores my comprehensive assessments!  Most children with trouble reading are undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, and not given the proper instruction.

Does anyone teaching your child fully understand their unique learning profile?


The state of literacy should NOT be as dismal as it is.  The way reading is taught in schools is badly lagging what the research tells about how children learn to read, write, and spell.  Brain imaging tells us that children learn to read by processing the way a word looks, the way it sounds, and what it means – SIMULTANEOUSLY.  We MUST teach visual processing, sound processing, and language meaning processing TOGETHER during integrated, functional literacy tasks.


Many schools are STILL working from old, incomplete, and poorly designed research.  Popular school programs such as Reading Recovery and Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) have been proven to be ineffective for children with a learning difference!  Their 3-cueing system teaches “guessing”, NOT reading.  Their “whole language” approach provides ZERO instruction at the sound/word level of language processing.  Just look at traditional reading activities – flashcards, “sight word” and spelling word lists, writing words out 25 times – they train children to MEMORIZE, not PROCESS!  They focus SOLELY on the visual processing system and neglects the language system entirely!  It is DOOMED to fail


First you must identify the learning profile.  How can you make a teaching plan without looking at the underlying SKILLS to see which are intact and which aren’t?  With accurate, comprehensive SKILL-based assessment, we can learn which underlying, foundational language skills are lacking.  That’s when a Speech-Language Pathologist does what they do best – create a therapy plan to address the language disorder that has been there behind-the-scenes the whole time.


You can’t teach “processing speed”, but you CAN teach the underlying language skills that are needed for READING! At Speak2Read, we use a multi-sensory, multi-linguistic speech-to-print approach.  What does that mean?  Book a consultation to find out!  We teach reading with a unique, comprehensive, structured, systematic, and research-based approach.  We teach children to process the sounds and words of spoken language accurately.   We help them learn and apply the CODE of how our written alphabet system represents our spoken language.  We have it finally make SENSE.  It works, and NO ONE else is doing it like us.  It’s time we talked!

Meet Trent

As my students will attest, I love to have fun!  However, I take it pretty seriously when children are having difficulty learning to communicate. I started this business to address some gaps in an educational system that badly lags research. My Master’s degrees in Education and Speech-Language Pathology combined with 10 years of work in public schools has given me the unique experience to create a custom-tailored instructional approach – an individualized learning plan designed for each student’s individual learning profile.  It is based on research and designed to meet children where they are – to promote instant success and self-confidence.

Save Time, Money and Frustration - BOOK TODAY!

Free 30 Min Call

Book your call and let’s start to unpack your child’s learning history and development.  You will describe how your child learns and where they struggle.  I will explain what the brain needs to do to learn to read.  Together, we will make a hypothesis about what is happening in YOUR child’s brain.  This phone call is empowering and informative, and it is designed to provide value.  You will leave the call with answers to your questions, ideas, insight, and new actions to take. Fill in the small consulation Intake and Trent will reach out to you and book your call – it’s that easy!


Want to know your child’s learning profile?  Scores to compare your children to their peers are valuable, but the REAL magic is in the interpretation of the overall learning profile – the interplay of all the different skills needed for reading to come together.  This is what has things finally make sense – parents are always fascinated to see how scores cluster together and a profile of strength and challenge emerges.  Most are pleasantly surprised by the price, too – especially if they have previously completed a Psycho-Educational assessment!

Ready for Speak2Read

Been through the assessment wringer? Hey, we get it!  You can only slog through so many 20-page reports and still get no answers (or results!) If you are already aware of the needs of your child and wish to start treatment, we can accommodate.  It’s not as “clean” – there will be some “assessment on the fly” and adjustment as we move forward.  Our online booking calendar makes it easy and simple to begin your child’s journey to success.  Don’t forget to check your insurance/benefits plan for Speech Pathologist coverage!